We are lucky enough to have a herd of Pygmy Goats and Anglo Nubians located in Yorkshire. We started keeping a couple of wethers as pets in the beginning, then we were hooked and decided to start breeding. Our herd are health tested, which includes checking for Johne's and CAE. Our Pygmy Goats and Anglo Nubians are owned by Katherine, James and Oliver. Katherine is an experienced veterinary nurse and is happy to offer advice in the care and husbandry of goats.
Our Pygmy Goats and Anglo Nubians are pets first and foremost and are well handled. They have been selected for their good character and colours. All our goats are Registered. The Pgymy Goats are registered with the Pygmy Goat Club and the Anglo Nubians are registered with the British Goat Society.
Pygmy Goats and Anglo Nubians make affectionate pets that are entertaining, cheeky and bundles of fun! They are easy to handle, friendly and enjoy human company. Wethers (castrated males) and nannies (females) make ideal pets, but should be kept in herds of two or more. You must have a CPH number to keep livestock.

Our kids will normally be born in spring and can be ready for their new homes between 10 and 12 weeks, once they have been weaned.
Please feel free to contact us for further information. We are always happy to give advice.